Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hello everyone!  My name is Diana, I am a 24 year old mom with two kiddos (that I absolutely love) and I also am a student at Red Rocks Community College. In my English class I have been challenged to take on a 30 day challenge, starting on September 28 and being finalized October 28, 2015. I have chosen to incorporate 21 Day Fix from Beachbody to help me during my 30 day weight loss challenge because it has many ways in which it teaches how to have portioned meals what should be on your plate and how much. Also, it comes with a daily at home workout routine with a last but not least Shakeology a supplement shake that I can take for breakfast and after my workouts. very excited to use these products but what I am most excited for is my change, I am choosing to lose weight for my kids to be able to run around with them ad not get tired so easily or run out of breath and ask for a break, to be healthy and to be able to fit in my darn little black dresses again! Diana BC (before children) would always be in heels and dresses I just want to be able to fit in jeans again and this challenge will be the beginning to my weight loss journey so stay tune to hear about the first day of my challenge I promise it is super funny!

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