Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hello, hello everyone welcome back! right now I would like to tell you about the very first day of my challenge. I started out super grand starting my work out at 5:45am taking my shake after and heading to school. I mixed my shakeology with water and the taste was not so tasty, but I took it down smoothly. I get to campus excited seriously the energy I had I was ready to take on the world! I get to class only to find out my professor brought a treat for our class.. and not just any treat, but home made chocolate chip butterscotch cookies! they were coming fast being passed from table to table until they finally arrived with me and I had to say "No thank you" I could honestly taste the chocolate chips I have never ever had chocolate chip butterscotch cookies before of course I was tempted! I mean what harm could it have done it was just one cookie but I still said no. After my last class I was happy to head home to eat a yummy salad, but as soon as I walked through the front door my Mother greets me with a chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen. (SERIOUSLY?!) it must have been national temp Diana with as much junk food as possible I looked at my mom looked at the dipped cone and politely said no. It is very difficult to start a new habit especially when there is old habits lurking around every where, it could have been very easy to just take the cookie and the cone and eat them say something like "oh I could start eating healthy tomorrow" but in order to start things right and do them correctly there must be discipline. I was very proud of myself for saying no and sticking to my guns and my new challenge. what challenges are you surrounded by? are you someone who can say no or do you prefer to say Yes! and enjoy things as they come without thinking about the consequences? what small changes could you make throughout your day that can change your habits? think about it and drop a comment or keep it to yourself and have a fantastic time.

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